
About Us

Learning golf is a step-by-step process. One should start by focusing on the shape of the swing, then progress to achieving a solid impact - sweet spot precision, and finally, strive for precision in hitting the target. At TSSGOLF (TheSolarSweetspotTM Golf), our specialized focus is on helping golfers primarily with the second step: impact precision, which is the heart of the golf swing and the key to further advancement.

We offer a comprehensive training method outlined in our books, along with two training aids. The Sg3000 is a practice tool suitable for golfers at all skill levels, from casual recreational players to the most dedicated students. It is excellent for addressing the first two steps – refining the swing shape and, of course, practicing impact precision, which is its primary purpose.

The TSS Pin training aid and method are designed primarily for extremely dedicated and disciplined golfers. It is most effective when used in conjunction with the sg3000, as detailed in our video eBook.

We are proud to have secured patents for our practice tools: US8801528 and US7833109

—Ernest Dras, CEO


The operation involves the development and marketing of TSSGOLF sports training aids.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union through the Cohesion Fund, European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, or in the case of two or more funds, through the European Structural and Investment Funds. For more information, visit www.eu-skladi.si

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